tiger BCEC

An installation of the virtual tiger behaviors on the multi–screen marquee at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, during PAX East Game Conference. March 2 - 9, 2013

Recent work focuses on integration of virtual ”human–like” and ”animal–like” agents that naturally interact with real world participants in mixed and augmented reality environments. Developed upon existing and ongoing research into intelligence in virtual agents as characters in games, interlocutors in theatre or simulation there is potential for co–evolution in narratives in interactive experiences. Virtual agents with modest abilities to sense, and interpret symbolically the actions of participants allow autonomous

interaction between the humans and virtual animal-like agents within a framework of a mixed reality performance.

This ”location–based entertainment” form allows narratives, animation, and cinematic presentations to occur in real world locations. ”Location based entertainment” is interactive, audience participative and moves away from passive entertainment, placing viewers within the “fourth wall,” immersing them into experiential performances. Wearing head mounted display systems observers freely walk around environments and view animal–like agents from various angles. Through voice and gesture recognition, interactions are natural and integrate autonomous characters that respond and interact with non-ascribed behaviours in mutually inclusive and affective dialogues through narrative paths withoutpredetermined outcomes. The installation is a somewhat humorous look at “animal training” and applies this to the “training” of virtual animals.

Animation Contribution: Ian Connell, Li Hua

1.2009 Pensyl, W. (Russell),), Tran, C.T.Q., Lee, S.P, Jernigan, D. K. obust Hybrid Tracking with Life-size Avatar in Mixed Reality Environment, 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2009,San Diego, California, USA

2. Ogre Game Engine

3. AutoDesk Maya